International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma!

اِحْتَفَلَتْ مَدْرَسَةُ سابِس الدولية – أدما باليَوْمِ العالَمِيِّ لِلُّغَةِ العَرَبِيَّةِ عَلى طَريقَتِها الخاصَّةِ، عَبْرَ إِجْراءِ الكَثيرِ مِنَ المُسابَقاتِ والنّشاطاتِ سَعْيًا لإِيفاءِ هٰذهِ اللُّغَةِ بَعْضًا من قَدْرِها. بَدَأَتِ النَّشاطاتُ بِجَلْسَةِ قِراءَةٍ أَخَذَتْ طابعًا عَرَبِيًّا كامِلًا بالشَّكْلِ والمَضْمونِ، إذْ تَمَتَّعَ المُتَعَلِّمونَ بِقِراءَةِ بَعْضِ الكُتُبِ العَرَبِيَّةِ على أَنْغامِ العودِ.

بَعْدَ ذٰلِكَ، ﭐنْخَرَطَ المُتَعَلِّمونَ بِمُسابَقَةِ الإِملاءِ، ولعبَةِ "الخَطَّاطِ" الَّتي تَنافَسوا فيها على التَّصْميمِ الأَجْمَلِ لِكِتابَةِ الأَسْماءِ والأَبْياتِ الشِّعْرِيَّةِ. وَقَدِ ﭐخْتَتَمَ مُتَعَلِّمو الصَّفَّيْنِ السَّابِعِ والثَّامِنِ المُسابَقاتِ بمُسابَقَةِ "مَنْ سَيَرْبَحُ النّقاطَ؟"، الّتي أَجابوا فيها عَنْ أَسْئِلَةٍ مُتَعَلِّقَةٍ بِاللُّغَةِ العَرَبِيَّةِ وكُلِّ ما ﭐرْتَبَطَ بها.

كانَ هٰذا اليَوْمُ مُمْتِعًا وَمُفيدًا لِلجميعِ، على أَمَلِ لِقاءاتٍ أُخْرى...


@SABIS®-Adma celebrated the World Arabic Language Day in its own way, by partaking in several competitions and activities, in hopes of giving this language its merited value. The activities started with a reading session that portrayed an Arabian atmosphere to its fullest, where the students enjoyed reading a few Arabic books to the sounds of the ‘oud’ playing in the background.

After that, @SABIS®-Adma students took part in a spelling competition, along with a ‘calligraphy’ game where they competed for the most beautiful design for writing names and poetry verses. Moreover, the Grades 7 and 8 students, wrapped up the event by competing in a ‘Who Will Earn the Points?” game, where they answered questions that have to do with the Arabic language and everything connected to it.

It was a very fun and beneficial day for everyone, in hopes of many more to come.

International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma
International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma
International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma


International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma
International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma
International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma


International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma
International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma
International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma
International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma
International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma
International Arabic Language Day @SABIS®-Adma